Monday, September 30, 2019

Cost of College Essay

Flipping burgers at a fast food restaurant, stocking shelves in a grocery store, and working on a production line in a factory are just a few of the many minimum-wage paying jobs that so many people have in America. People in this country are settling for a high school diploma, minimum-wage paying jobs, and broken spirits. The cost of college is too high, and they cannot afford to further their education. Student loan debts are, for the first time in history, exceeding what Americans owe on credit cards—over $1 trillion (Sullivan, 2012, para. 1). For many, the rising cost of college may not be just a news headline, but a real life let down. The core of the problem: tuition and fees at public universities have surged almost 130 percent over the last 20 years, while middle class incomes have idled. (Censky, 2011, p. 1) Endless Cycle Many Americans are not being able to further their education because the cost is too high, which results in having to settle for a poorly paying job. Then when they start a family, they do not have enough money to send their children to college. It really is an endless cycle of an ever-growing lower and middle class. The number of college graduates is becoming less every year because of the increasing rate of tuition, room and board, and fees. At the same time, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find a job above minimum wage without a college diploma. Missing Out For much of U.S. history, the chance to obtain a higher education was mainly an opportunity given only to the wealthy (College Tuition Costs, 2004, p. 450). Countless brilliant and smart individuals live in the lower class of our society. It is not fair that they are not getting a chance at furthering their education just because their family cannot afford to send them. Available to certain students, of course, are student loans, grants, scholarships, and financial aid. Sadly, not everyone qualifies for scholarships or receives enough money to even make a dent in the debt they will acquire going to a university for four or more years. Furthermore, a lot of people receive zero help at all in paying for their college education. Since college is becoming less affordable for low-income students, higher education is once again becoming dominated by the wealthy (College Tuition Costs, 2004, p. 452). Being Held Back Because of Funding Because of the growing rate of tuition, room and board, and fees at universities, many seniors in high school are deciding where they attend college based on the cost. For many teenagers, the deciding factor of where they go to school is who gives them the biggest scholarship or which school costs less. Instead of going where they truly want to go, and where they know they could get the best education, they have to settle for the school that meets their financial limitations (Cost of College Affecting Application and Acceptance Decisions, 2011, p. 1). People wanting to pursue a higher education should be able to totally devote themselves to their studies. Instead, with a constantly plummeting economy, they have to worry about how to earn money (like get a job) to help pay for their education. This could be extra worry that students who are trying to focus on their studies should not have! Scholarships are very unlikely to cover the total cost and students who manage to obtain one successfully still have to work to earn their living. Earning enough money to pay for a college education is next to impossible with a part-time job, while working full-time leaves students with no time to study, which means that the money is actually wasted! With the cost of college constantly increasing, many students that are already in college cannot finish because they do not have the funds. The thought of trying to start out a life in the â€Å"real world† with potentially over $50 thousand debt is extremely daunting. Many people view borrowing money as a burden, which holds them back from wanting to take out student loans to go to college. More College Graduates Could Help Boost the Economy Student loan debts are sure to be a hot topic in the upcoming 2012 presidential debate. Unless the government steps in to help pay for college education, more and more people are going to have to give up their dreams of a higher education. Individuals should not have to give up financial security just to earn a college degree. If more people are obtaining college degrees, that increases the number of people who are likely to have higher paying jobs. According to News Hour Extra: Research shows that college graduates earn, on average, $20,000 a year more than those who only have a high school diploma. College graduates also tend to get higher quality jobs with benefits and have the chance to earn advanced degrees, which offer even greater earning potential. (Cost of College Affecting Application and Acceptance Decisions, 2011, p. 2) This fact could boost America’s economy and really help the recession. Perhaps the job market will get better and it will be easier to recuperate after the thousands of dollars spent on one’s degree. Or maybe the recession will end and funding for education will be restored. But as prices of virtually everything increase, that of a college education may continue to increase as well. Unfortunately, for now it seems that students in the United States will have to wait for a solution – unless they themselves try something drastic to alter this unfair system.

Choking in Sports Essay

In 2007, Reeves, Tenenbaum, and Lidor conducted research in order to study what causes talented athletes to often fail to perform to the best of their abilities when placed under stressful situations. The purpose of the study was to discover whether athletes who participate in self-consciousness training adapt to pressure situations better than players who do not. To measure this, the researchers examined â€Å"choking† during kicking a soccer ball with participants of two different skill levels, low-skill and high-skill. The participants had to complete two different tasks, kicking a soccer penalty and a breakaway. They were placed under two pressure situations, both low and high, and the experimenters also had three different training conditions – single task, dual task, and self-consciousness. The high-skill players were members of a NCAA Division 1 women’s soccer team at a southeastern, United States university with at least ten years playing experience. There were 18 participants in the high-skill group ranging from 18 to 22 years of age. The low-skill players were junior varsity girl soccer players from two southeastern high schools. There were 19 participants in this group, ranging from age 14 to age 16. All of these participants were randomly assigned to one of the three training conditions. On the first day of the experiment, participants were told the purpose of the study and were asked to fill out performance information sheets as well as sign informed consents. Participants then warmed up and began performing the simple task of penalty kicks under low-pressure conditions. Before each kick, participants filled out the part of the psychological grid for that kick, and then performed the task. On the second day, the participants were split into two teams and told they would be competing for a prize. They were told that their competition would be videotaped and that a sports psychologist would evaluate their mental performance in front of the goal. The psychological grid was again filled out before each penalty kick. On the third day, the participants completed the complex task (breakaways) under low pressure conditions. On the fourth day, participants were told that the competition involving penalty kicks was unfair and that the competition needed to be replayed but with breakaways. The researchers found that choking occurred in the simple task of penalty kicks, but not in the more difficult task of breakaways. Also, the single-task and dual-task treatments experienced a decrease in performance under high-pressure situations. Meanwhile, participants who underwent self-consciousness training improved their performance under high-pressure situations. Reeves et al. used a repeated measure ANOVA with skill level and treatment as between-subjects factors and pressure condition and task complexity as within-subjects repeated measures on perceived pressure. This ANOVA was used to check for the effect of pressure on the participants, and a significant effect was found (F (1,31) = 32. 32, p < . 001). Repeated measures ANOVAs were also used to assess performance and perceived performance during the shooting tasks. There was a significant interaction of task difficulty and pressure condition on performance such that participants performed the simple task better under low-pressure (M = 12. 63, SD = 3. 35) than under high pressure (M = 11. 17, SD = 3. 24). However, they also found that the more difficult task was performed equally well under low- (M = 11. 08, SD = 2. 64) and high-pressure (M = 11. 25, SD = 2. 90) conditions. A significant interaction was also found between pressure condition and treatment as they affect performance. Participants in the dual-task treatment suffered decreases in performance when shifting from low- to high-pressure situations, whereas participants in the self-consciousness treatment group increased performance. The single-task treatment had the highest decreases in performance from low- to high-pressure situations. Significant interactions were also found between skill level and treatment condition such that low-skill players given self-consciousness and dual task training perceived their performance as higher than those in the single-task condition. However, high-skill players in the self-consciousness treatment perceived their performance as being lowest of all three treatments. Yet another analysis of the data showed a significant interaction between pressure and treatment on perceived arousal and pleasantness levels. One limitation of this particular study is that it only examined the effects of high pressure situations in female soccer players. Although this study did account for differences in skill level, players of a different sport may have had dissimilar results. Also, there may be gender differences when it comes to choking during performance. The authors discussed the possible limitations of this study in the discussion section. There it says, â€Å"Further explanation of what constitutes a simple and complex task under pressure situations and of the ability to generalize to other task types is needed to enhance our understanding of the choking phenomenon. The researchers go on to say that there was no significant difference in skill level shown. The results reported by the experimenters and the discussion section did seem to be consistent in their findings. Using the statistical analysis and results from the ANOVAs, the researchers explained what they found using previous theories on choking in high pressure situations. The results of this study supported the explicit monitoring theory to explain choking under pressure in proceduralized skills. On the other hand, distraction theories explain choking under pressure in cognitive skills. Both of these conclusions were supported by data in the results section of the paper. This study not only has implications for athletes, but for everyday life as well. Athletes should be aware of the pressure they are experiencing in different situations and be able to regulate their arousal when necessary. If an athlete is facing a difficult task under high pressure conditions, they should consider undergoing self-consciousness training to help increase their performance. Similarly, if a student is studying for an extremely difficult exam that will determine whether they pass or fail a course, they should use self-consciousness training to help them obtain the best grade possible. For simple tasks, both athletes and students should realize that being under an increased amount of pressure can result in lower performance. Therefore, when completing mundane tasks, athletes and students alike should decrease their arousal and be under as little pressure as possible to achieve optimum performance. In a study by Wang in 2004, researchers were examining â€Å"dispositional self-consciousness and trait anxiety as predictors of choking in sport. Sixty-six basketball players completed the Self-Consciousness Scale and the Sport Anxiety Scale prior to completing 20 free throws in low-pressure and high-pressure conditions. A manipulation check showed that participants experienced significantly higher levels of state anxiety in the high-pressure condition. A series of hierarchical multiple regression analyses supported the hypothesis that self-conscious athletes were more susceptible to choking under pressure. The best predictors of choking were private self-consciousness and somatic trait anxiety that together accounted for 35% of the explained variance. † If one is self-conscious, they are putting themselves under even more pressure than the situation at hand already is. Therefore, these athletes are already at a disadvantage when it comes to reaching optimum performance. The best athletes in the world have no trouble stepping onto the biggest stage and performing well on a consistent basis. Also, in terms of choking, another factor that seems to be important is how high one’s approach motivation is. Choking is the concept that one performs worse than expected in a situation that carries great importance. This is Michael Jordan hitting a game winner in game six, or Mr. October Reggie Jackson going yard to give the Yankees the lead, or even a young intern at the FBI figuring out the biggest case of his life that makes his career; except it’s not. Choking is bricking that shot, grounding out to the second baseman, and having someone else figure out your case for you and thus getting your promotion. Recent questions have been raised about the major causes of choking. Some believe that â€Å"motivation to avoid failure often may predict choking under pressure† (Jordet 2008). â€Å"In achievement motivation theories, avoidance motivation typically refers to behavior directed by negatively valenced events, whereas approach motivation refers to behavior directed by positively valenced events† (Jordet 2008). People who avoid failure often get worried more and are more likely to perform poorly (choking). People who approach it, are often more confident and have less anxiety and thus, tend to have better performance (Dweck 1988). In this study, the researchers hypothesized that, â€Å"elite performers who are in negative valence situations engage in avoidance behaviors and these behaviors may contribute to low performance† (Jordet 2008). This study uses the high pressure situation of a penalty kick in a soccer match to fill the gap in knowledge on real-world choking. A penalty kick occurs when two teams are tied after two overtime periods. Especially in big games such as the World Cup final, these shots are very high pressure moments. Studies on these shots suggest that the more important the shot, the worse people performed because of elevated stress and anxiety levels. Researchers for the current study hypothesized that players in negatively valenced situations would attempt evading the situation, while players with positively valenced shots would take their time to look at the goal keeper, line up their shot, and take the necessary time to prepare. The negatively valenced shots would have their back turned to the goal keeper and would get the shot over with as quickly as possible (Jordet 2008). The results of this study showed that whether one takes an approach or avoidance motivation can have an effect on whether professional athletes choke under high pressure situations. They found that soccer players especially tended to use avoidance behavior and thus made 30% less shots than with the positively valenced shots (Jordet 2008). Despite prior research that suggested that professionals who choked tended to take longer to shoot, the present study found that the athletes who shot quickly actually performed worse. There are two possible situations. Either, through hurrying up, the athlete is able to time their shot and put it where they want, or they rush their preparation and don’t focus in enough on where they need to place the ball and can therefore choke. Jordet states that more research needs to be done on the relationship between dreading the shot, waiting to shoot, and the result or performance on the shot. Researchers in this study included a neutrally valenced condition in which they found it was most related to the negatively valenced condition. Therefore they concluded that athletes in the positively valenced group simply strive under pressure i. Michael Jordan, etc. Jordan approached failure face to face and more often than not came away successful as a result. It is all dependent on what sort of success and patterns a player has developed over his or her career (Dweck 1988). If a player shows a pattern of stepping up and hitting a key shot, you can expect that he or she will perform better on a big stage because they are self-confident. If I were to perform further research on this subject, I would first attempt to create a model that would help explain the complex reasons for choking while performing tasks during different situations. This would help other teachers, coaches, and researchers use this information to foster the highest level of performance in athletes and others. Another possible direction for these findings is to have three conditions in a study, one in which a participant completes a proceduralized task, one for a cognitive task, and one for a task that is both cognitive and proceduralized. Using this design, I would be able to examine if the two theories interact or if they are separate. Another possible direction for research is to see if low-, moderate-, or high-skilled players are more likely to choke under pressure rather than simply studying the choking habits of just elite athletes. Finally, a personality psychologist could assess if different personality dispositions make an athlete more or less likely to choke than others. With further research and increased understanding of the choking phenomenon, sports psychologists could discover a technique to help decrease the chances of choking under high-pressure situations. This could help improve athletes’ confidence, self-esteem, and performance while competing.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Class Participation Rate And Improving Students Knowledge Education Essay

Abstraction: The Task-based Teaching and Learning manner has been enjoyed a batch in nowadays English instruction procedure. Not merely because it has specified the purposes of both instruction and pupils ‘ acquisition, but besides during the procedure of making the ends, it will assist excite instructors ‘ inspiring abilities and pupils ‘ creativenesss, therefore to develop the involvement in larning and the province of analyzing to their best. However, there are assorted jobs happening in category instruction, of which standout and influential are the low category engagement rate and pupils ‘ low efficiency in geting the needed cognition. To happen out solutions to these jobs, the writer has studied different stuffs every bit good reflected from the learning experience ( instance analyze method ) , proposing that using concerted survey, or teamwork spirit into category instruction will be the most effectual. Cardinal words: co-op survey, Task-based English Teaching, engagement1. IntroductionIt is non easy to make better instruction ends when a category has encountered jobs like low engagement rate, intending that non all the pupils are interested in inquiring or replying inquiries and take parting in activities, merely because the activities are non fascinating at all. And the other job is pupils ‘ low efficiency in geting the needed cognition. There are many factors act uponing the quality of a category instruction. Owning better buildings of learning installations, like advanced multimedia, is far from adequate to do a category acquire its expected ends. As for this, many instructors and experts have been seeking to work out ways to advance pupils ‘ desire to cognize and willingness to make, for illustration, holding more out-of-classroom activities and puting up more advanced subjects to speak and research. But how to do the best of these is still left to research. By anal yzing old researches and making learning pattern in Deyang Foreign Language School, the writer believes concerted survey, which is besides called team-work should be more used in learning and educating. In the undermentioned portion of the thesis, the causes for these jobs mentioned supra will be explained. Following that, the construct of Cooperative Study and its positive relationship with Task-based Class Teaching will be introduced every bit good as how we can really use it into existent instruction. The research the writer has done in Deyang Foreign Language School will be discussed in the last portion.2. Review of Literature2.1 Theory of task-based English Class TeachingTask-based instruction is to get the hang the linguistic communication by utilizing linguistic communication in the activities instead than merely developing for linguistic communication accomplishments and cognition of the linguistic communication larning results. In learning activities, instructors should con centrate on specific communications and linguistic communication undertakings, design of specific and practical undertakings. Students are to finish the acquisition undertakings through look, communicating, dialogue, reading and other linguistic communication in the signifier of enquiry. Task-based instruction method is to absorb the advantages of the past formed of a assortment of learning methods, while it does non except other learning methods. It was first put frontward in the 1980s, emphasizing on â€Å" acquisition by making † in the linguistic communication learning method and communicative attack is the development of linguistic communication instruction in the universe. This has provided learning theoretical footing for the gradual debut of English instruction in China, foreign linguistic communication learning reform in China as a tendency. The characteristics of Task-based Teaching Method include concentrating on completing the undertakings alternatively of pull stringsing some kind of nonmeaningful linguistic communication signifier, and taking at raising pupils ‘ resounding and involvements by supplying interactions which are closely related to existent life and experience.2.2 Theory of Cooperative StudyConcerted survey ( or cooperative acquisition ) is an attack to forming schoolroom activities into academic and societal acquisition experiences. Students work in groups to finish undertakings jointly. Everyone succeeds when the group succeeds. There are 5 basic elements of concerted survey. They are Positive Interdependence, Individual Accountability, Face to Face Interactions, Social Skills, and Benefits. First, Positive Interdependence requires that group members feel connected to each other in the procedure of carry throughing the end. Second, Individual Accountability means that every group member is responsible for being able to show apprehension and comprehension of the erudite academic outlooks and societal ends. Third, Face to Face Interactions suggest that the group must take part by pass oning and discoursing the end. Fourth, Social Skills include listening, organic structure linguistic communication, sharing, accepting thoughts and differences, etc. These are the accomplishments needed prior to or being developed during the group work. And 5th, Benefits include higher ego esteem, achievement and keeping of academic information2.3 Co-relationships between task-based instruction and co-op surveyFrom a chart, we ca n see the co-relation between concerted survey and task-based instruction: ( chart 2.1 ) Undertakings Proper activities instructors Team ends Group activities pupils When all the instruction ends are assigned as group work, those proper activities are needed to be fulfilled by all the pupils with concerted spirit applied into the procedure and with the counsel of the instructors. The characteristics of concerted survey fit the steps taken to complete task-based instruction.3. Causes for jobsBefore really acquiring to cognize how Concerted Survey can be to the full applied into instruction, it is necessary to acquire to cognize the causes for those jobs ( low engagement rate and low efficiency in larning ) mentioned above. Why non all the pupils are willing to take part, and what are the obstructions for leveling up pupils ‘ efficiency in geting cognition? Bing non interested in the category is the ground why they do n't desire positively believing and speaking, which straight influence their quality of geting cognition. Maybe it is because of the stuffs are deadening, the manner the instructor Teachs is deadening, or it is their ain jobs. Students in in-between school are in the adolescent ages, during which many physical and psychological jobs will go on to them. Based on the instruction pattern done in Deyang Foreign Language, the writer has found out that there are chiefly three facets of influential factors listed out as follows: on the facet of pupils, on the facet of instructors, and on the facet of school.3.1 On the facet of pupilsY?ee?â„ ¢i [ Chai Lujing ] ( 2006 ) , who has wrote about how to using concerted spirit into proficient schools, says that, on the one manus, in-between school pupils are during their adolescent period clip, in which they are fighting for psychological independency. The incarnation of which is they tend to cut away the attaching emotions from parents and instructors. And therefore they need to construct other relationships as permutations either with the outside universe, such as societal relationship, or with their adolescent couples, like childhood buddies or schoolmates. Since a batch of in-between school pupils are populating on campus, it is an chance for them to set up new relationships with more people out of known relationships and recognize their life value through their ain attempts and enterprises. On the other manus, all those activities to be carried out in categories need the spirit of willingness to portion and header with others, but this is what the pupils presents are missing. What besides should be responsible for is the â€Å" one kid policy † . Bing the lone kid and the centre at place, they have been spoiled by their households. And their uneasiness has ever made them proud of themselves, lending to the turning unsighted recognition of themselves. This is why they are missing the consciousness and motives to get by with others. She has besides stated that the â€Å" merely kid † has a strong desire to assail, doing them violative and critic, more earnestly, doing them take no joy in doing friends with people they do n't wish but to avenge them therefore to protect themselves. All these indicate that these childs lack concerted spirit, doing them bear no apprehension, compassion and regard towards others. So it is non difficult to reason that this will be obstructions for them to set to the society and have a self-acceptance of one ego. Therefore, even there are activities and undertakings set in a Task-based Class, without pupils ‘ willingness and openness to offer to make, nil can be achieved. Consequently, the category engagement rate will non be every bit high as expected.3.2 On the facet of instructorsNot all the instructors are doing an lineation of a category intricately, for missing of clip or idea of nec essity. As we all know â€Å" jaming instruction and acquisition † has improbably existed in history and influenced our instruction for decennaries. The accent of consequence and classs has made instructors concentrate more on the consequences, whatever the procedure is. Making more exercising and flexing their caputs among the books are ever what a persevering pupil should be. Whenever there is a new category, pupils are burdened with a mass of new cognition, which should be gained by repeatedly reinforcement and examined through trials. Though the task-based instruction and larning method is been developing, the thought that merely repeat message and â€Å" jaming cognition † are difficult to acquire rid of. Teachers rarely do probes on each pupil ‘s personality. Therefore pupils ‘ likes and disfavors are normally heedlessly ignored, and their being asked about inquiries they are non interested in and non able to interrupt the tenseness of a serious categ ory, has decidedly influence pupils ‘ ardor in engagement. Because of deficiency of properly organized activities, which means it is the instructor who is speaking and cramming, a category is difficult to make the ends, harmoniously and pleasantly. And this will decidedly act upon pupil ‘s efficiency in deriving cognition.3.3 On the facet of schoolIn the construct of traditional instruction, it is more focussed on the person ‘s development and competence alternatively of a group ‘s. In in-between school, this has been reflected by prosecuting of high classs. The quality of a school is normally judged by its rate of pupils ‘ credence to a higher instruction. Since all the people are fighting to their ain personal success, the sharing of cognition and the joy of being working together have been ignored. Bing antsy and covetous of other people ‘s accomplishments, many pupils have become more self-acclaimed and self-closing, ne'er desiring to portions knowledge with others, ne'er desiring to interchange thoughts with others. But things have changed. The new demands of course of study claim quality instruction, taking at developing a pupil ‘s all-aspects abilities. And more specifically, many utile types of learning methods are demanded, like Task-based Class Teaching. As for a school itself, the failures of working on harmonious analyzing squads and societal patterns have influenced the most. Because it is frequently the fight are highlighted more than the concerted survey. Such as in a athleticss meeting, categories are consequently a group for a series of competitions. Another factor is the demand to do concerted spirit as an of import societal value to be popularized and educated has non been fulfilled4. Cases of using Cooperative Spirit into category instructionTo happen solutions to these jobs ( low engagement rate and low efficiency in larning ) , many instructors have been seeking to set as many activities as they c an in a category instruction, and utilize multimedia installations. But see this: if a category is full of activities which are merely to warm up the ambiance and the instructor is the prima function, can the category truly animate the pupils to take part? If the instructors have put all the information on a computing machine, voices are taped and descriptions are pictured, can they assist the pupils develop their advanced spirit to believe and to detect? And these defects are precisely many bookmans are reasoning approximately. As ?Y?c? ¤a?†  [ Ke Qunfan ] ( 2003 ) has written in â€Å" acquiring out of the new jaming instruction method † that to do a category vivid and unrecorded, many instructors have done excessively much, one-sidedly thought that more activities will be better. However, it so becomes â€Å" new jaming method † , which has merely occupies much clip of a category. â€Å" New criterions for English Curriculum † has claimed that â€Å" the development of a pupil † is the finish of learning. It is indispensable to do pupils the active functions of a category. Cooperative survey, inquiring for using concerted spirit, besides called the team-work spirit, into survey, has been approved and suggested by many bookmans. eâ„ ¢?a?Sa?Z [ Chen Jianhua ] ( 2004 ) has stated in thesis â€Å" A Small Talk on English Cooperative Study † that cooperative survey is one of the instruction patterns based on group work. Having the same ultimate end and being valued by accomplishment of a whole group, concerted survey can excite instruction and acquisition by to the full cooperation of each component. If taken into consideration, the demands of a task-based instruction method will be fulfilled. Collaborating can convey pupils ‘ action into drama, and organize the competitory every bit good as concerted ambiance between groups in categor y. During the procedure, face to confront interactions are established while each pupil will hold to transport a portion of duty. And the outlooks of doing conversations can be reached which is precisely what an English category is taking at, which is to do a pupil talk, think positively, and do linguistic communication a unrecorded tool to pass on.4.1 Teamwork illustrations in high school abroad.When people were interviewed why they had chosen to analyze abroad, they explained that it was because they could see the â€Å" free thought † or â€Å" free life † . Though this is sort of sarcastic about China ‘s instruction which has been traditionally concentrating on acquiring a good class, allowing entirely the deep cultural difference, American ‘s free method of instruction is worthy acquisition, for which is full of free thought, more significantly, inquiring for every bit much cooperation as possible in a category. Not merely in completing assignment but besides interactions between instructors and pupils, between cognition and pupils ‘ heads. What â€Å" free method of American instruction † has impressed the writer most were the personal experiences of analyzing in Plattsburgh College in State University of New York. Though it ‘s in college category, it ‘s valid to turn out the effectivity of concerted survey. One of the instances was the FLL ( Foreign Language and Literature ) category. The pupils were required to make assignments after they finished the literary plants ( short narrative and novels ) . There were 2 parts included in the assignment: respondent inquiries and blank-fillings. Every category, the instructor would organize groups of 2-3 pupils. One of them would make the presentation, and all the group members would hold to work on the assignments together. The pupil who did the presentation was ever the 1 liked to speak, and could vividly explicate the reply to the inquiries, while the reply should be the combined thoughts of all the group members. The other illustration was besides concerted survey applied in one of the General Psychology category carried out in Plattsburgh College. The professor asked the pupils to make readyings for new category in groups of 4-6 people. All the pupils in a group needed to fix at least one session of the stuff, and one of them would move as the taking function to link the whole presentation. After those categories, several personal interviews have been held of those who conducted the activities. They held positive positions about that. One of the pupils from FLL category said that it was fun for they could easy acquire the elaborate information of a novel when they were mentioned by their schoolmates. The cognition became more impressive and they could utilize to expose their point of position freely and creatively. â€Å" I love that category. † she said. This was precisely what instructor and the category wanted. The other pupil from GP category said he normally sat mutely in some ot her categories, merely taking notes. But in GP category, he had to fix his ain address good and went up to the phase. â€Å" Though I do n't frequently speak, I will merely travel at that place and state what I have done, and so I remember all the stuffs refering with our lessons. † He besides said this. It can be seen from these two illustrations that when pupils ‘ have experienced, they will happen involvements in making things. They will analyze better and more expeditiously. Dialectic Materialism has the theory that interaction is one of the ways human existences exist. School ‘s being a societal group, enables interactions and societal communications between instructor and pupils. This besides provides accounts for the betterment of pupils ‘ geting cognition in the co-op survey atmosphere, for experiences provided by schoolmates are easy to be understood, and the activities pupils have played will picture the significance of societal functions. However, pupils will develop a sense of societal value, undertaking consciousness, cooperation consciousness, and their societal duties every bit good as team-work spirit. Based on the recognition that pupils should be the chief function, concerted survey has created the opportunity to interact between pupils, and distin guished the functions of â€Å" steering † and â€Å" playing † between instructors and pupils. Therefore, pupils can hold the chances and clip to interchange their thoughts, prosecuting betterment together. More significantly, during the procedure, the subjectiveness of pupils is to the full reflected, their desire for cognition, enthusiasm will be aroused and happy and effectual acquisition will be achieved.4.2 Teamwork illustrations in high school in China ( Particular instance in Deyang Foreign Language School )Teaching pattern in Deyang Foreign Language School: Based on the concerted acquisition research and pattern, the writer has carried out a instruction pattern in 2 categories of high section in Deyang Foreign Language School, taking to research the effectivity of concerted survey ‘s increasing pupil schoolroom engagement and their efficiency of pupil acquisition in the procedure of instruction. Method: instance survey Basic information of topics: Class 7 is a scientific discipline category, with 21 male childs and 23 misss, in-between rank in comprehensive abilities. Class 5 is an art category, with 10 male childs and 29 misss, in-between rank in comprehensive capablenesss. The demands of English course of study for both categories are the same. Their English trials classs are of small difference. Content: Warming Up and Speaking in Unit 5 Textbook: Senior English for China Student ‘s Book 2A Step1: grouping For category 7: There were all together three chief squads grouped harmonizing to pupils ‘ personalities. Group 1, active pupils ( chatty, and really rather ) Group2, less chatty, over reserved pupils Group3, reserved pupil ( will take portion in the category when needed ) For category 5: three groups every bit good, assigned harmonizing to their seats. Step2: delegate the undertakings Part one: Questions based on the text edition, page 33. a. Give images that they are interested in B. Give information about each portion of UK on different facets. Part two: pupils get to cognize each other and administer the assignments by themselves Step3: the procedure of the category groups treatment pull off the information they have collected presentation Step4: rating ( 5 mark for each ) 1. Students were valued as a whole group. 2. Presentations should be displayed vividly, including every 1s ‘ message, reflecting their grouping manner, which consisted of balanced distribution of work, mediate trust. 3. Accuracy of cognition is besides valued. Step5: attesting the efficiency of larning. All the pupils are asked to complete the pre-reading undertakings on the text edition.4.2.1 ConsequencesFor category 7 ( chart 4.1 ) Group Accuracy of cognition presentation Overall entire Group 1 4 4 4 12 Group 2 4 3 3 10 Group 3 5 4 4 13 For category 5 ( chart 4.2 ) Group Accuracy of cognition presentation Overall entire Group 1 4 3 3 10 Group 2 3 2 3 8 Group 3 3 2 2 74.2.2 Discussion and defects4.2.2.1 Main findingsGroup presentations ‘ description of Class 7: Group one, which is made of chatty individuals and really quiet pupils, chatty pupils of course had really flexible heads and they took the occupation of presentations, while others had shared information collected by them and supported their teammates. Group two, pupils were less chatty and over reserved. They tended to keep back when promoted to stand on the phase and give a presentation stand foring their group, which made a loss of their tonss of â€Å" presentation † . Group 3 had the highest mark. During the procedure of instruction, the writer has found that in Class 7, pupils in each group made readyings intricately. They distributed the assignments harmonizing to everyone ‘s abilities and advantages, for some of them were good at computing machines, which was of import for information collection, and some had better unwritten English, which could do the presentation clear to be understand. The ground laid much in their personality, for these decently reserved pupils normally stand out when they were needed, and ever had a clear hint of what to make and what to state. In this group, they had given the information really accurate and presented steadily. The writer had consumed that to accomplish the ultimate end that the group to acquire the best mark, the pupils needed cooperate with each other good. During the procedure, obeisance and via media were needed but more significantly, the support towards others. What had come out as a consequence was after each presentatio n, other group members had given a first yet loud hand clapping to their teammate, and they had invariably complete the spouses ‘ addresss on the phases by supplying more addendum. Group presentations ‘ description of Class 5: Group 1 happened to dwell of several pupils who were better at English. Group 3 was of pupils with ordinary abilities, and the 2nd group owned several backward pupils, whose survey consequences were below norm. And group 2 had comparatively higher mark in the â€Å" overall column † because when it was their bend to make the presentation, they seemed active. Though non much information required was provided, these pupils were to the full take parting. And the pupils in the other mean group were merely every bit backdown as what some pupils had seemed in category. The research consequence was little different. Get downing from free grouping, which they did harmonizing to their seating agreement, the pupils tended to collaborate with friends or closed place schoolmates. However, this might be influenced by the pupils ‘ gender part, intending more male childs preferred speaking while misss were more reserved. Necessity of proper grouping: these illustrations prove that in order to ease concerted acquisition, proper schoolroom grouping and organisation will play a important function. Their groups turned out to be three groups every bit good. However, there are more jobs necessary to be discussed. First, in category 5, due to the random assignment, pupils had lost a sense of common benefits, which is one of the basic elements, less effectual assignment distributions were made, which had lead to pupils to simply wait for replies from others or they ended up mixing information for deficiency of group dialogue and full readying. Second, they tended to get away from duties, for depending on pupils who were comparatively better at speaking, while the others were merely taking notes or listening. But there were some active pupils demanded to state their findings as an person. These two issues have affected the effectivity of concerted survey. Through these two instances, the importance of grouping has been signified. The efficiency of acquisition: in category 7, pupils appeared easier to happen the elaborate information and have a better apprehension of the context, for the descriptions given were more accurate and were based on what they had known or mentioned by their schoolmates. In category 5, pupils were less active to reply inquiries and appeared less interested in larning and their answers were little vague and less in measure. From this, we can foretell that after a self-experience of analysing and analyzing stuffs and sharing with others, pupils can hold a comparatively better appreciation of the cognition, which is of import for learning and indispensable to better their efficiency in geting cognition. Flaws of the researchThe writer has consumed the research will throw more visible radiation on concerted survey ‘s effectivity on bettering pupils engagement and on their efficiency in geting cognition, but because of missing informations, pupils ‘ personality analysis appeared rough, which might act upon the grouping. However, concerted acquisition ‘s map of mobilising pupils ‘ enthusiasm has been to the full reflected. But, whether the concerted acquisition can enable pupils to better larning efficiency was non to the full proved. Merely by analyzing the pupils ‘ apprehension of related reading contexts was non sufficient. Harmonizing to the rule of memories, even though the pupils gained a batch of cognition points in the schoolroom, they would shortly be forgotten if there is no effectual ways to be practiced, such as quizzes, in-depth treatments.5. Solve jobsAs to better the low category engagement rate and pupils ‘ efficiency in geting cognition, the writer has advocated using concerted survey into task-based instruction. After analyzing the old surveies and making learning pattern, more suggestions should be made as good. These suggestions are more likely made for instructors.5.1 suggestions on making activities:a. M ore suited and thoughtful activities should be arranged. Guarantee the equality of opportunities for each pupil to take part through the ways varied, as what the writer has done in instruction. Vary the survey signifiers. Take more signifiers like group treatments, group argument, group seeking, group function drama, and if allowed, on-line seminar, since English is a unrecorded linguistic communication category. The more challenging the subject is, the more passionate the pupils will be and ne'er do it a load for pupils. Scholars have proposed three methods of grouping: homogenous grouping, heterogenous grouping, and the free combination. In homogenous group, pupils frequently ain same characteristics, like in classs, survey ability, and survey action. By combing them, they can happen their involvements in common and better together. While in heterogenous groups, things are face-to-face. It is better for pupils to assist each other every bit good as learn from each other. Free grouping can excite pupils ‘ passion and enterprise to analyze by grouping them harmonizing to their ain picks and has a strong coherence. The grouping should be depended on learning stuffs, learning conditions, and pupils ‘ existent state of affairss. Teachers should plan the synergistic activities based on existent life alternatively of superficial content which requires no deep thought, contains no profound significance and bears no communicative necessity. Try to assist the pupils to truly take part in the activities from the â€Å" perceptual experience – general – applications, † and develop their abilities in identify jobs and work outing jobs. After a group work, it is helpful that the instructor provide the feedback and rating to the survey, which will corroborate group members ‘ sense of equal importance to the group, give the encouragement and support.5.2 Suggestions on interactions with pupils:a. To finish a assortment of mission activities, aid to excite pupils ‘ involvement in larning. B. In the procedure of finishing the undertaking, instructors should unite the linguistic communication cognition and linguistic communication accomplishments together, assisting to develop the students of linguistic communication proficiency. c. To assist pupils to actively take part in linguistic communication communicating activities, instructors should animate their imaginativeness and originative thought. Students should play the chief function. d. In activities to larn cognition, developing interpersonal communicating, believing, decision-making and adaptability, is contributing to overall development of pupils. e. In the task-based instruction activities, being inspired by their instructors, each pupil has to believe independently and active engagement chances, maintain the motive to larn, and develop good survey wonts. Teachers should esteem the positions of pupils to construct a wide exchange of learning background, create an advanced ambiance, and advance the spirit of â€Å" ask for develop as a whole alternatively of wining separately † . It is besides indispensable for instructors to carry on emotional communicating, to develop pupils ‘ spirit of Humanities and Social Sciences, every bit good as their right sense of competition and societal duty.6. DecisionThe internal value of concerted survey is necessary to be signified. As e ©Ã‚ ¬a†¦Ã‚ ° [ Ma Lan ] ( 2004 ) has stated, concerted survey is non merely a instruction method, but besides an positive attitude of life, demoing people ‘s grasp and willingness of header with others. Concerted survey is non merely a method but besides the content of a survey, from which pupils learn the rules and societal accomplishments to develop. More significantly, concerted survey is non merely about the interactions between instructors and pupils, but besides the portion of resources among them. And under the demands of current course of study, the cognition base of a pupil includes cognition from text edition every bit good as from that of a instructor ‘s in struction experience and the interactions among them. Cooperative larning itself is a sort of profound religious kernel, rich content and extended operational theory of learning engineering scheme. U.S. concerted acquisition experts Jacobs ( 2001 ) one time said, â€Å" the shortest distance to make a end is non needfully a consecutive line † . As for English instruction, it is non to inquire pupil to declaim the English lexicon and learn them the simply signifiers of linguistic communication, but the practical use of English. Uniting with task-based instruction method, concerted survey is effectual to assist pupils to see the joy of acquisition, cultivate a sense of duty by sharing different assignments and larn to give to a end by doing usage of common complement.

Check Point

#1 The three types of leadership styles that should be used for the Denver Airport Project are transformational, directive and empowering leadership. Transformational leadership should be used because the City of Denver seemed to have high expectations and this type of leadership motivates the team to work toward the goals and do more than expected. Issuing instructions and commands that align with the goals would include the use of Directive leadership. Lastly empowering leadership should be used as it encourages independent action, opportunity thinking, teamwork, self-development, self-reward and participate in goal setting.Similar to what our book says about transformational leadership, it can be defined as â€Å"Transformational leadership is essentially leadership that motivates followers to transcend their self-interests for a collective purpose, vision, and/or mission. This form of leadership tends to foster trust and admiration toward the leader on the part of followers, and thus they may be inspired to do more than they were originally expected to do. † The Denver Airport project can benefit from this type of leadership since the collective purpose is to complete the building of the airport to meet the needs of the City of Denver.This type of leadership suggests that there is a consensus and collective mindset among team members. This type of leader demonstrates positive behaviors. The team members tend to perceive the goals and activities the same way as the leader. Everyone is on the same page and the tasks and goals can be completed successfully. â€Å"A transformational leader is one who should have been able to provide a consistent image to followers through his or her actions and behaviours and thereby create consensus among followers† (1). A directive leader issues instructions and commands based on the goals.This will help to keep all members of the team on track to complete the tasks of the entire Denver Airport Project. Accordin g to Bernard M Bass who developed this model, the directive leader tells his followers what to do, and how to do it exactly. He specifics standards required of his followers and exercise firm authority over them. (2) The last type of leadership that should be used is empowering leadership. According to our text, empowering leadership includes encouraging independent action, opportunity thinking, teamwork, self-development, self-reward and participates in goal setting.They observe the team and behaviors they display. Based on these observations, they make the proper adjustments to get the work done. From my research, empowering leaders can’t rely on innate observation abilities. They need to hone their awareness to make their interpretations reliable guides for action. (3) This will be beneficial to the Denver Airport project to keep the employees engaged in what needs to get done as the project had many extensions added to get completed. Using these recommended types of leade rship styles should set the Denver Airport Project up for success.Hopefully, minimizing conflicts and providing the proper tools to overcome any obstacles along the way. The combination of these styles will provide the communication, teamwork and the completion of tasks to meet the goals of the project. Thompson, Leigh L. Making the Team; A Guide for Managers, 4th edition. Prentice Hall, 2011 (1) Feinberg, B. J. , Ostroff, C. , & W, W. B. (2005). The role of within-group agreement in understanding transformational leadership. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 78, 471-488. Retrieved from http://search. proquest. com/docview/199371433? accountid=44759 (2) Yihan, L. 2011). Five styles of leadership. Retrieved from http://www. leadership-with-you. com/directive-leadership. html (3) Derby, E. (2011, June 17). Empowering leadership. Retrieved from http://www. estherderby. com/2011/06/empowering-leadership. html #2 The traits of the leader and the type of team will dis play how confidence is managed based on the statement â€Å"When a project seems well within reach, dampening overconfidence can ensure that energy remains focused on achieving it; when it appears almost out of reach, encouraging greater confidence can ensure that the motivation remains focused on achieving it† (Useem, 1998, p. 22). The Denver Airport project encountered many delays in opening which could impact the performance of the team to get the tasks done to complete the project. According to our text, â€Å"Self-directed teams offer the most potential for innovation, enhance goal commitment and motivation and provide opportunity for organizational learning and change. (Thompson 9)†. This type of team would depend on each other to adjust confidence based on where the project is, within their reach or out of reach. 3M has proven that hanging to self-directed teams has increased productivity, the 3M Hutchinson facility increased production gains by 300 percent. â⠂¬Å"By backing self-directed work team efforts with effective training for both employees and management, 3M has developed a high-involvement work culture that contains multiskilled jobs, promotes empowerment, is customer-focused, has moved decision making to the lowest effective level and rewards group performance and continuous improvement†. (Williams, 1995) Communication of many different parts of the project (The City, UPS, the airlines) seemed to cause the delays in the Denver Airport project.Communication between the different companies is crucial and can make or break a project. March 1993, October 1993 and March 1994 were all delays announced by the city, each blamed another part of the project for the delay. Scheel Construction states that communication is a critical component to failure or success of a project. Construction of the Denver Airport was obviously a big part of the project. â€Å"We must not allow distractions or pressures to meet deadlines detract from due diligence in setting up proper communication prior to beginning work. (Scheel) It seems as if proper communication was not setup before hand among all that were involved, The City, UPS and the different airline companies. The organizational structure can impact confidence and focus. It seems that the project management company for the Denver Airport Project was possibly using a functional structure, one manager who assigns and monitors their work. The disadvantage of this for this project was that nobody was knowledgeable about the baggage system (DCV system). They were already designing and building the terminals before a decision was made about the baggage system.The matrix organizational structure may have been a better fit in this case. This type of structure works best for long term projects. This type of structure creates teams based on the skill set of the employee. Employees would be placed based on their skills and they can focus on that task and not be pulled in many d irections or multiple tasks at one time. Communication will improve. Since employees have constant contact with members of different functional areas, the matrix structure allows for information and resources to travel more fluidly between those functional areas.The collaboration between functional areas allows a project team to better handle complex challenges and objectives. ( Guzman, 2012) By utilizing self-directed teams, improved communication will enable the teams to achieve the proper confidence that is needed whether the project is well within reach or almost out of reach. Using the matrix type of structure will also enable the right employees to do the right job based on their skills. The proper information and resources provided to the employees will allow the project team to handle each situation to meet the project goals.Thompson, Leigh L.. Making the Team: A Guide for Managers, 4th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions. . Williams, R. (1995, November). Quality digest. Ret rieved from http://www. qualitydigest. com/nov95/html/self-dir. html Scheel. (n. d. ). Communication: Key to project success. Retrieved from http://www. scheelconstruction. com/communication-key-to-project-success/ Guzman, O. (2012). The advantages of matrix organizatoinal structure. Retrieved from http://smallbusiness. chron. com/advantages-matrix-organizational-structure-286. html

Saturday, September 28, 2019

A Doll’s House Analysis of Nora

A Dolls House Analysis of Nora â€Å"I must stand on my own two feet if I am to find out the truth about myself and about life,† To what extent is Nora a tragic heroine? -1497 words (excluding title) A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen is a modern tragedy that is centred around the life of a typical Norwegian household in the Victorian era, focusing on the trials and tribulations that face Nora Helmer in this patriarchal society. A Doll’s House explores not only the status of women, but how they are victims of social forces to the extent that they are left with the role of a â€Å"dollwife†. During the course of this essay, I intend to study the character of Nora and to what extent she qualifies as a tragic heroine. As the curtain opens to the first act, we are introduced to Nora as an â€Å"extravagant little person†, a â€Å"sweet little spendthrift†; giving the audience the impression that she will be yet another undeveloped female character as seen in previous tradition al tragedies. Ibsen uses patronizing language to portray Torvald’s view of his wife, how to him she was just a â€Å"sweet little skylark†, the word â€Å"little† emphasizing Torvald’s misogynistic ego, and how he uses typically ‘loving’ terms but makes them seem condescending and demeaning. Aristotle’s description of a tragic hero as outlined in his book Poetics , is where he discusses the aspects of one’s character which qualify one to be a tragic hero, ideas which have been accepted and expanded for several centuries, and often used as a ‘mould’ for tragic heroes. In order to reach my conclusion and decide to what degree Nora is a tragic heroine, I will compare Nora’s character to some of the ideas Aristotle discussed in his book. According to Aristotle, ‘the tragic hero is a man who is a mixture of good characteristics and bad characteristics’. Regardless of the ‘requirement’ of being male, Nora fits this aspect of his definition perfectly as she can be seen as both the epitome of good and evil within the play, depending on one’s perspective. Ibsen establishes Nora’s character as not purely vapid (as we perhaps thought based on our first impression of her) but a woman who gave up the â€Å"necess[ities] of life† and went to extreme lengths to â€Å"save [her] husband’s life†, even though it was considered â€Å"imprudent† in Victorian society, where a woman was â€Å"transferred† from being, firstly a good daughter, secondly a good wife and finally a good mother. Consequently, Nora’s character can also be seen as having ‘bad characteristics’ (one of Aristotle’s prerequisites of being a tragic hero) as she undoubtedly â€Å"commit[ted] a fraud† and as Krogstad says, â€Å"the law cares nothing about motives†, even if Nora â€Å"did it for love’s sake†. Ib sen stated that ‘a woman cannot be herself in modern society. It is an exclusively male society, with laws made by men’ with no regard to female emotions. Torvald â€Å" shakes his finger† at Nora and says that â€Å"a songbird must have a clean beak to chirp with†. Ibsen’s use of stage direction clearly shows Torvald’s condescending behaviour towards his wife. It also shows that even after eight years of marriage, Torvald Helmer underestimates his wife’s character or capabilities to the extent that it is questionable whether he knows her at all. Ibsen suggests that even though the plot unfolds in a male dominated society, those same men could be easily deceived by their wives, as shown by Torvald and Nora’s relationship. Even though Ibsen has followed Aristotle’s idea, he has left it open to interpretation as Nora’s actions can be interpreted as ‘good’ or ‘bad’.

Assyrian Crisis Essay Research Paper THE ASSYRIAN

Assyrian Crisis Essay, Research Paper THE ASSYRIAN CRISIS, A TIME OF GROWTH The Assyrian Crisis in Judah appears, from the surface, as a clip of great fortune for the people of Jerusalem. However, by analyzing the state of affairs with a more powerful lens, one can see the powerful spiritual infuence such an event could hold on a resident s divinity. If I were a Judean during this clip, my religion would hold faced the toughest trial of my life. Traveling into such a struggle with a state every bit strong as Assyria, I could non assist but be afraid. My castanetss would tremble at the idea of devastation of the Holy City of Jerusalem, of the people of Judah, and of my ain being. Although I would hold believed in God, I would still be filled with fright. This fright would intensify when I heard a courier for the male monarch of Assyria, as stated in Isaiah 36, mocking God, dissing His power and doubting His salvaging grace on Jerusalem. He goes on to seek and convice us, the people of Jerusalem, that Hezekiah is non trusty, and that we will non happen aid in Egypt because they are non dependable. Finally, cognizing the way of devastation that Assyria has already created, and their hungriness for more, in add-on to the courier s statement that the Lord has commanded Assyria to travel and destruct Jerusalem, my feelings of fright and uncertainty would uncontrollably well up inside me. We are, after all, merely human, and fright is a common feeling, despite where we stand with God. No adult male lives without fright, but though fear our religion is tested and strengthened. Upon hearing and sing the truth of Isaiah s claim that God will save Jerusalem and coerce the Assyrians back place, my religion in God would be fortified. In the times of fright, I would hold realized how weak, how immature, and how far I must travel in my religion and trust in God. But one time I heard Isaiah s prognostication, I would utilize it as a manner to make off with my fright. Knowing that God was traveling to salvage His Holy City, and that He was traveling to go on with His perfect program for world that dated back every bit far as the times of Abraham and held a hereafter for the reaching of the Messiah, I would cognize that my God follows His programs and maintain His promises. Through this, I would hold peace. I would shortly larn that I can swear Him in everything because as it says in Scripture, if God is for us, who can be against us? Bing a occupant of His Holy City, I would cognize that God was on my side everlastingly, and whatever uncertainty I of all time had i n God s promises or programs for my life would be washed off. Sing God spare my life, along with my metropolis, I could non assist but reconstruct all assurance that was lost in my Father. I would be able to follow Psalms 46:10, and be still, cognizing that He is God. What a comfort! What a sense of utter religion, arrant dependance, and arrant submission! Harmonizing to Isaiah 37:25-29, God had given Assyria the power that it had and allowed them to suppress who they did. But, upon recognizing the attiude and jeers of the Assyrians towards Himself, God sent them place and allowed their male monarch to be murdered. This transition would hold taught me, as a Judean, the other side of God: His choler. I had already experienced His grace and fidelity in salvaging my life and metropolis, but I now would larn that God s penalty is existent, that what we do against God will non travel unaccounted for. And sometimes, as with the male monarch of Assyria, the penalty is every bit dearly-won as one s life. This would learn me how nescient I would be if I were to mock my Father. Because of what He has so gracefully saved me from and due to the grounds of His power in penalty, I would larn to so grateful and so in debt to God, that there is no room or ground to diss Him. Furthermore, the grounds of God s grace as a lesson to my religion could be seen in two more instances. The first involves God promise to Hezekiah that the state of Judah will one time once more return the luxury it existed in. This involved an addition in harvests over the undermentioned old ages and a repopulation of the land. God s promise was fulfilled, and Judah shortly returned to their normacy. Associating this to my life, I could be assured that whatever tests I encounter, that God is ever in complete and entire control, and that He will reconstruct me. The 2nd grounds of His grace is seen in Hezekiah s unwellness. When Hezekiah turned to God in ardent supplication for healing, God responded to his supplication by leting him to populate for 15 more old ages. By God s response, I would hold learned that God has the power to alter the full class of our lives through our supplication life, and that I should neer waver to inquire God for extremist alterations, every bit long as I honor Him with those alterations. Hezekiah went on to talk of the significance of go throughing the joy of the Lord from coevals to coevals in Isaiah 38:19. As a lesson to me, I would hold used this to understand that the heritage of our religion has come to us because of faithful work forces and adult females who have carried God s message throughout the centuries. Recognizing this, I would see myself as the following torchbearer. The writers of 2 Kings write about the history of Israel, halfway between the decease of David and the decease of the state. Israel has been divided, and the two lands have begun to skid ito devotion and corruptness toward prostration and imprisonment. 2 Kings relates the seamy narratives of the 12 male monarchs of the Northern Kingdom ( Israel ) and the 16 male monarchs of the Southern Kingdom ( Judah ) . For 130 old ages, Israel endures the sequence of evil swayers, until the are conquere vitamin D by Assyrian and led into imprisonment. The evil male monarchs were short-sighted, and they thought they could command their states fates by importing other faiths with their graven images, organizing confederations with pagan states, and cenriching themselves. Of all the male monarchs in both the North and South, merely two are called good. The good male monarchs had to pass most of their clip undoing the evil done by their predecessors. Because of their obeisance to God and the religious resurgences during their reigns, Judah stands for an extra 136 old ages. By composing about such events in the history of Israel and Judah, the writers of 2 Kings would hold been influenced by what happened in the Assyrian crisis with Hezekiah. Through much of the book of 2 Kings, the writers understood the convulsion and the effects of holding evil and good male monarchs in a state. With an evil male monarch, came evil workss of blasphemy and devotion, and wickedness perculated through the state. With a good male monarch, nevertheless, God was kept in the foresight, and He would bless the state with protection and endurance. The writers besides caught a glance of God s forbearance and the manner He speaks to His people through Prophetss. God told his people that if they obeyed him, they would populate successfully ; if they disobeyed, they would be judged and destroyed. Had had been patient with the people for 100s of old ages. He sent many Prophetss to steer them and warn them, but even His forbearance has bounds, as the writers wrote about. The writers of 2 Kings would respond to the Assyrian crisis with a great sense of apprehension and readying, because they wrote about so many incidents like it, and knew how a good and evil male monarch could impact the hereafter of his state. They would see the state of affairs as fundamentally an evil male monarch from Assyria vs a good, Devout male monarch from Jerusalem, and therefore the writers could easy think that those with God in head would be the masters, in this instance, the metropolis of Jerusalem. After seeing the crisis semen to cloture as they suspected, the writers of 2 Kings would hold their religion supported. They would be more confident in cognizing that God does, in fact, take favourites when it comes to esteeming or mocking Him. They would besides go on to see how He can be really gracious, or really barbarous, depending on how people treat Him. To the male monarchs that followed Hezekiah, the Assyrian crisis would render utile as a lesson on how to populate in God s eyes. They would be able to look back on the state of affairs and see non merely how Jerusalem was saved from such incredible odds, but besides blessed afterwards. They could besides look back and see the subplot of how Hezekiah overcame the odds of decease. By analysing such scenarios, the future male monarchs must inquire themselves why the metropolis of Jerusalem and Hezekiah lucky, and how they can acquire lucky excessively. The lesson they will larn, nevertheless, will surprise them when they discover that fortune was non involved. It was the mere fact that the metropolis of Jerusalem and Hezekiah s life were both saved because Hezekiah had his eyes fixed on God, and prayed fierily to Him. God, through His limitless power, turned away the mighty Assyrian ground forces, and through His grace and clemency gave Jerusalem back the luxury it one time had in the old ages after the crisis. Out of love, He besides gave Hezekiah 15 extra old ages to populate, despite being deathlike ailment. The power of supplication proved to be true. At the same clip, nevertheless, the future male monarchs would see the choler of God when He is blasphemied through the slaying of the male monarch of Assyria. At a glimpse, this may all look to be luck, but looking nearer would learn the male monarchs after Hezekiah to esteem God and maintain Him foremost in their lives and their state if they wish to be successful and safe. From the position of the apostle Paul, the Assyrian crisis would function as a contemplation of his life. Many similarites can be seen between Paul, the Assyrians, and Hezekiah, and through these, Paul would understand what it means to be with God or without Him. By reflecting on the Assyrian crisis, Paul would experience a great sense of peace and gratitude for God s salvaging grace. The male monarch of Assyria was a adult male who blasphemied God. He was a adult male who was on a mission of bid and conquer, and nil was traveling to acquire in his manner. Once he reached the metropolis of Jerusalem, he persecuted Christians at that place, including Hezekiah, the male monarch, with words of jeer and abuses directed towards God. By assailing the Christian religion in this manner, the male monarch of Assyria was seeking to turn out the Christian s God was merely like all other Gods, powerless. Similarly, Paul persecuted Christians by traveling to Damascus to capture them and convey the m back to Jerusalem. He hated the Christian religion and persecuted it without clemency. He, nevertheless, converted to Christianity subsequently and became an amazing tool of God s for distributing the Gospel. Populating such a life against God in his yesteryear, Paul could hold easy compare himself with the male monarch of Assyria. Paul would derive great peace and thankfulneess when he realized God s penalty to the male monarch of Assyria was decease, and that he escaped such penalty and was saved by God. Additionally, seeing the successes of Hezekiah, like returning Judah to the luxury it one time experienced, being saved from the Assyrians, and being given 15 excess old ages to populate after his unwellness, Paul would shortly recognize that the lone ground God was so gracious and merciful with Hezekiah was because he kept his eyes on Him. This would learn Paul that, if he were to be successful, he must maintain his focal point in life on God.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Starbucks in China Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7500 words

Starbucks in China - Coursework Example How this coffee shop at the neighborhood did invade and changed the lifestyle of many It is a sort of colonization. I call it Starbuckzation. Starbucks has been around since 1971. According to Starbucks Coffee Company (2007) history, it started by selling roasted coffee beans in Seattle's Pike Place Market bearing the name of Starbucks Coffee, Tea and Spices. It was in 1981 when this coffee shop caught the attention of plastics salesman Howard Schultz (Wilson, 2005); Schultz is now the Chairman of Starbucks Coffee Company. But it was never easy for him to turn the business into an international giant that it is now. In 1982, Schultz was hired as Starbucks' head of marketing; shortly thereafter he was sent to Italy for an international house ware show It is where he got the idea of turning Starbucks into an espresso bar (Wilson, 2005). But things did not immediately come his way. The opportunity came in 1987 when Starbucks was up for sale; Schultz was able to raise the money, remade the establishment, and started history in the coffee industry. Today, Starbucks has 6,281 company-operated stores and 3,533 licensed stores in 50 states of US plus the District of Colombia It has also established coffee houses in 39 countries outside US (Starbucks, 2007). It is not quite surprising though that Starbucks is a success in the United States of America since a cupful of steaming coffee has almost become a necessity to every American. What is more amazing is its success in Asia particularly in China that can be considered, by far, as Starbucks' largest market outside North America. Traditionally, Chinese are fond with tea, which they say has healthy benefits. How come that a tea-drinking country could easily shift to coffee Starbucks started its operation in China in the late '90s. The company began with a store in Taiwan in March 1998, spread in Mainland China at the China World Trade Building in Beijing in January 1999, then in Hong Kong in May 2000, and Macau in August 2002; to date, there are almost 500 stores all over China (Starbucks China, 2007). Has China really fell under Starbuckzation It could be so. However, Starbucks' phenomenal success in China has not been copied in Australia. Since its first store was established at Sydney's CBD in July 2000, Starbucks has set-up only 50 stores in Sydney, Brisbane, the Gold Coast, the Sunshine Coast, Canberra, and Melbourne today (Starbucks Australia, 2007). It could be attributed to a number of cafes in Australia. Geographical and social settings also contribute to this aspect. 1. Efficiency Among the keys to attain success in any field is efficiency. In Starbucks' case, it is the coffee house's capability to deliver the goods regardless of its customers' race or creed. There is a cup of flavorful coffee that will suit the discriminating taste buds of everyone. It has a blend from various regions; coffees are blended depending on the flavors that characterize a certain country. There is Colombia Nario Supremo, Guatemala Antiqua, Arabian Mocha Sanani, Komodo Dragon Blend, and Sumatra, to name a few. Apart from coffee, Starbucks also offer tasty cakes and pastries. There is also a variety of

Clinical Chemistry Practical Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Clinical Chemistry Practical - Essay Example The supernatant was neutralized with 3.2M K2CO3. After recentrifugation, the glucose fraction was extracted from the second supernatant by rapid sequential anion and cation exchange chromatography . The fraction containing glucose was dried before derivatization . The 297-to-299 ionic ratio responses were calculated in terms of isotopic enrichments using a standard curve made up from a known enrichment of glucose solutions. The diagnosis is diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). Three key features of diabetic ketoacidosis are hyperglycemia, ketosis, and acidosis. The conditions that cause these metabolic abnormalities overlap. DKA is defined as an increase in the serum concentration of ketones greater than 5 mEq/L, a blood glucose level of greater than 250 mg/dL (although it is usually much higher),blood pH of less than 7.2, and a bicarbonate level of 18 mEq/L or less. DKA usually occurs as a consequence of absolute or relative insulin deficiency that is accompanied by an increase in counter-regulatory hormones (ie, glucagon, cortisol, growth hormone, epinephrine). This type of hormonal imbalance enhances hepatic gluconeogenesis, glycogenolysis, and lipolysis. Hepatic gluconeogenesis, glycogenolysis secondary to insulin deficiency, and counter-regulatory hormone excess result in severe hyperglycemia, while lipolysis increases serum free fatty acids.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Removing Discriminatory Racial Profiling in Criminal Profiling Assignment

Removing Discriminatory Racial Profiling in Criminal Profiling - Assignment Example Secondary research is also important because it will validate the survey’s profiling practices and enrich knowledge about racial profiling issues across the country. Qualitative and quantitative data-collection methods will also answer RQ2. The survey will have open-ended questions about what the police think about racial profiling and how they can include it in criminal profiling without sacrificing the validity and reliability of profiling methods and findings. An interview with a criminology or criminal justice professor will also be essential in understanding academic ideas on offender profiling validity and reliability. The populations under study are the police and criminology/criminal justice professors and the sampling method is convenience sampling because of its advantages over other methods. Convenience sampling is an advantageous method because it is an easy, cost- and time-efficient method for selecting respondents (Maxfield & Babbie, 2011, p. 224). Its economy ensures that the study will not create an undue financial burden on the researcher. Furthermore, another advantage of convenience sampling is that the researcher can choose participants who are willing to respond and who possess skills and knowledge in answering pertinent survey and interview questions. Convenience sampling has its disadvantages, however. Because it is a non-probability sampling method, it may find respondents who might not be representative of the general population (Gravetter & Forzano, 2012, p. 151). The resulting sampling may be biased because the researcher cannot ensure the randomness of the selection process (G ravetter & Forzano, 2012, p. 151). This major drawback can be managed, nonetheless, through finding reasonable representatives (Gravetter & Forzano, 2012, p. 151). For  example, random sampling is still applied to a chosen police unit.   This action will help improve the generalization of the findings to the police.   

Intercultural Humour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Intercultural Humour - Essay Example One of the challenges of understanding the place and value of humour within the multi-cultural environment is that it is not entirely translatable. In usual cases, humour is culturally-specific. A speech act with some content of humour may not apply across the cultural spectrum. In other cases, humour relates to the context and the personality of an individual. This would imply that an idea or phrase with humorous content may not be understood easily or may be distorted in the process of translating into another language or culture. Findings Case reviews have shown that humour could be used to bridge cultures by identifying some mutual linkages within the discourse of communication (Holliday, Kullman & Hyde, 2012). Andrew (2010) distinguished between humour and laughter by identifying some of the problematic areas, which define the essence of humour. In his effort, he established that humour does not necessarily translate into laughter. He sought to establish the theoretical basis on which humour is founded. In his study, Andrew identified three theories as fundamental to the understanding of humour. These include incongruity theory, relief theory, and superiority theory. He explains incongruity theory as being informed by a reaction to a logical impossibility, or to an ambiguity. This kind of humour is associated with the thinking of Kant and Kierkegaard particularly due to its drift from the conventional flow of logic. Superiority theory, according to Andrew (2010) arises out of a feeling of euphoria, which basically comes to the surface when the person making the humorous statement relates to the audience from a real or presumed higher level of seniority. Superiority theory is defended in the philosophies of Aristotle and Plato (Andrew, 2010). A third theory, which is embraced within the Freudian conception of humour, argues that the release of repressed feelings often translates in the form of humour. These theories put together provide a comprehensive fram ework that could be relied upon to furnish deeper connections between the element of humour and inter-cultural connections. The theories have helped in the establishment of important linkages that define life in terms of meanings and underlying meanings of words. Evidence adduced from multiple studies has established that a proper understanding of the structure of humour provides a resourceful entry point into the inner details of any given culture (Holliday, Kullman & Hyde, 2012). Humour should be understood within certain contexts, situations, origin, and other factors that situate it within some specific categories of identification. The element of humour manifests an entire corpus of ideals that are buried beneath the substance of any given culture. As such, it becomes necessary to conceptualize such evidence in light of some of the issues that attend to the general beliefs, practices, and cultural assumptions of that particular culture. Humour provides the framework of understa nding the worldview of a given culture. Broadly, the study of humour involves an investigation into the various connecting points of the different genres that fall under the umbrella name. According to Andrew (2010) some of the genres that are included within the corpus of humour are satire, sight gags, stand up comedy, sarcasm, bending joke, irony, variety shows and word play. These aspects of humour usually involve various issues that work together to form a comprehensive understanding of

Effective communications with people from diverse backgrounds .Discuss Term Paper

Effective communications with people from diverse backgrounds .Discuss - Term Paper Example In this paper, I will be sharing my personal clinical experience that involved initiating assertive and therapeutic communication to a 35-year-old female patient with Down syndrome. To start with, it shall be emphasized that diversity does not just focuses on the racial or cultural background of individuals. Diversity is â€Å"a condition of having or being composed of differing elements (variety); especially the inclusion of different types of people in a group or organization† (Merriam-Webster 2011). Hence, patient diversity is the full range of human similarities and differences in group affiliation including gender, race/ethnicity, social class, role within an organization, age, religion, sexual orientation, physical ability, and other group identities (Borkowski 2011, p. 15). Good communication skills among nurses in dealing with diversity is a big factor for effective management. In the cycle of effective management that includes planning and preparing, listening and obs erving, assessment and decision making, questioning and probing, giving feedback, and reflection and evaluation, the nurse, oftentimes, experiences vulnerability, criticism, hostility and success which calls for assertive sense to meet all these challenges (Darley 2002, p. 4). Assertiveness comprises respect for other people, self-respect or self-esteem, self-awareness, and effective, clear and consistent communication. Assertive communication is the key to communicating important messages to others that helps individuals to stand up for their rights, and when appropriate, the rights of others (the patient’s rights with the nurse acting as the patient advocate) (Sully & Dallas 2005, p. 94). Being assertive helps a person to avoid the feeling of guilt, anger, resentment, confusion, and loneliness, which leads to a more satisfying life (Zerwekh & Claborn 2006, p. 264). It is also important to note that assertiveness can also be projected through nonverbal communication. Accordi ng to Videbeck (2010, p. 107) nonverbal communication is the behavior a person exhibits while delivering verbal content which includes facial expression, eye contact, space, time, boundaries, and body movements. It conveys truthfulness because it involves the unconscious mind acting out emotions related to the verbal content, the situation, the environment, and the relationship between the speaker and the listener (Videbeck 2010, p. 108). In addition to effective communication, the nurse-patient relationship in health care setting is often at the interpersonal level, between two people only, in order to establish a therapeutic relationship that will benefit the client, even when the contact is brief. A communication can be therapeutic if it is client-focused, purposeful, and time limited, where the nurse comes to know and respond to the client as a unique person and the client comes to trust the nurse. In this therapeutic relationship, the nurse is sensitive to the client’s f eelings and needs, where both of them communicate comfortably with each other in times of intimate/sensitive nursing care or emotional significance (Funnell, Koutoukidis, & Lawrence 2009, p. 446). The nurse utilizes the â€Å"use of self† where he or she consciously and in full awareness uses his or her own self to establish relatedness and to structure nursing interventions. Because of the nature of nurse-patient interaction in the course of nursing care

Continental and monsoon Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Continental and monsoon - Assignment Example The monsoon wind blowing from the neighboring and oceans are playing a significant role in determining the climatic disparities in different parts of China and other parts of the Asian continent. Continental and monsoon are playing significant role in shaping the climate of China. They have an established relationship where one factor affects the other and intern reflects on the climate. For instance, China has an abundance of mountain barriers and the inland depression results in regional differences in terms of atmospheric circulation, solar radiation, and climate as a whole. A continental climate is associated with bigger land masses and extreme annual range of temperature that prevails in large parts of China (Wang 381). The air reaching China from Atlantic Ocean passing from Europe or Africa loses most of its moisture to the oceans hence coming out dry. These winds play a role in determining the climate of China. Their moisture content shapes the climate patterns of the areas they pass. Although there is some monsoon wind blowing from the north, arctic wind does not have access to the region. Tropical and equatorial air masses predominate in the south of Asia with restriction by the ridges of the mountain belt that stretches from west Asia highlands, through the Himalayas to south China and south Asia Mountains (Science Clarified 4-8). Similarly, the continental monsoon wind is playing a significant role in determining China climate through the way it blows. For instance, dry and cold winter monsoon blows from Siberia and the Mongolian plateau from September to April leading to cold and dry winters. It also results to the differences in temperature experienced in north and south of China (Raman and Sharan 1533). More so, warm and humid monsoon wind blows from the sea to east and south between April and September resulting in high temperatures and plentiful rainfall. It also leads to the little differences in temperatures

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Strategic Management Language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Strategic Management Language - Essay Example Under the influence of this principle, individuals in the business community increasingly decided to use some of their corporate power and wealth for the social good. These voluntary community obligations to improve, beautify, and uplift were quite evident by many business leaders. One early example was the cooperative effort between the railroads and the YMCA immediately after the Civil War to provide community services in areas served by the railroads. Although these services economically benefited the railroads, they were at the same time philanthropic (Shalhoud, 1999). In another example, steel magnate Andrew Carnegie put much of his great wealth to work for education. Henry Ford adopted a paternalistic style of management and made recreational and health programs available to Ford employees. The company town was one of the most visible examples of paternalism. Although business's motives for creating company towns (for example, the Pullman/Illinois experiment) were mixed, busine ss had to do a considerable amount of work in governing them (Shalhoud, 1999). Thus, the company accepted a form of paternalistic social responsibility. ... Because corporations control vast resources, because they are powerful, and because this power and wealth come from their operations within society, they have an obligation to serve society's needs. In this way, corporations and their leaders and managers become stewards, or trustees for society which forms an image of trust about the organisation among the society member. Under the influence of this principle, Congress, the popular press, and other factions started to attack many large and powerful organisations whose attitudes they perceived to be both anticompetitive and antisocial. Antitrust laws and other legislation began to place constraints on the actions of organisations. In general, there was a shift in the public perception of a corporation's place within and obligation to society. CSR & Strategic thinking To understand better why some organisations fall ethically, we can explore organisational attitudes toward stakeholders in the form of corporate social responsibility (CSR), the relationship between the CSR and a firm's strategic management can be found from various definitions of CSR. For many organisations, commitment to CSR is shown in references to stakeholders and "triple bottom line" thinking (i.e., financial, environmental, and social responsibility bottom lines). One useful definition of CSR is that it requires "the continuing commitment by business to behaving ethically and contributing to economic development while improving the quality of life of the work force and their families as well as of the community and society at large" (Anderson, 1989). The economy could only be improved in the long run and so strategic thinking is critical. Criticism of business

Kevin Carter pulitzer prize winning image Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Kevin Carter pulitzer prize winning image - Essay Example ide area of the land which has the lighter colors, is the Black child on his four limbs with his head to the ground, seemingly being supported by his right hand. Just a few inches behind him is a vulture on its feet, positioned in a way that makes it appear that it is imitating the child’s raised shoulders. The sizes of the two images are not greatly different and this makes the balance in the photo. The child, being near the photographer, appears to be bigger than the bird but one might just assume the difference in their sizes. Nevertheless, their size and color make the two as the dominant figures. The two focal images have dark hues which contrast their environment. Coincidentally, the child has a white necklace and bracelet that is comparable to the color of the vulture’s feet and beak. The feathers of the bird and the skin of the child are smooth, in contrast to the rough texture of the ground with the dry soil, pebbles and stones scattered around and the dried gr asses. Such elements of photography, aside from the sensitive social issue, make the photograph a real

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Engliash Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Engliash - Essay Example I rushed to school and sneaked into class without being noticed by the teacher. When I got into the class, I started sipping my coffee slowly. I would peep through the window to make sure there was no teacher coming into class. After some time, I started reading a storybook and forgot I was still holding the coffee mug. I did not notice the principal get into class, and none of my classmates warned me. All I realized was that someone had forcefully taken the coffee mug from me. When I looked up, the principal was standing right in front of me. The look on his face scared me. He forced me out of class and made me stay out until teatime. I thought that was all but the worst was yet to come. During teatime, he made me stand in front of the entire school and drink about two liters of coffee from a bucket. I had to do this since I did not want to be sent home. I had misbehaved several times the previous semester and had promised my parents to be disciplined. After finishing the coffee, which was the largest amount I had ever drank I became the subject of gossip for the entire week. Some student referred to me as a glutton and even my friends avoided walking with me for the rest of the semester. It was the most shaming and worst high school

Research paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 11

Research paper - Essay Example Therefore, consumers have a wide variety to choose from. The emotions of consumers play a great role in determining their choices and buying behavior. Freeride Media LLC (1998) conducted a research on shopping habits, and findings showed that one-fourth of the respondents bought clothes and accessories on impulse buying. Nonetheless, in order to choose form a variety, consumers develop their preferences in accordance with their perception towards the brand. However, successful brands have the capability of making consumers aware of their presence in the market, thus raising their probability of consumers purchasing the product (Azevedo & Farhangmehr, 2005). This study aims at exploring the effect of brand image on consumer purchasing behavior in clothing, with a special focus on the American consumers. Nonetheless, determining the relationship between brand image and consumer purchasing behavior can help marketers and practitioners in the clothing industry to develop effective strategies of increasing their sales and revenues. The clothing sector has been selected, as here; strong reference group will influence the brand choice. In addition, the target population includes the American consumers, as this forms a large customer base for fashion. Additionally, famous clothing brands such as ZARA and H& M have ventured into the American market, thus the American population has a significant influence on these companies (Dishman, 2013). In any research, the method adopted depends on the nature of the research. In this research, the main aim is to explore the consumer purchasing behavior on clothing. Here the beliefs, attitudes, and opinions of consumers on the brand image are explored. Therefore, a qualitative research will be adopted. Nonetheless, in order to answer the research question in this research, the interviewing method is adopted, whereby qualitative interviews are used. These involve an interaction between

Monday, September 23, 2019

Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 28

Questions - Essay Example This is especially useful in approach to new products because it involves seizing new opportunities after consideration of the company strengths. An evaluation seeks to check whether the implemented projects were effectively realized as per the original strategic visions. Overall objectives of a company can never be met in solitude. It takes shared resources as well as commitment. Experts from various departments and even outside companies and consultancy groups come together to manage the decisions that are sound to operations of the company. With their diverse backgrounds, they are able to make decisions valuable to a company visions. An organization may seek market leadership through a collection of methods such as low cost products of superior quality and great innovation. However, projects are the most outward methods that the organization can use to measure achievability of the objectives. A company may be efficient internally as well as externally and this can be seen from the way objectives are effectively met. Comprehensive scope analysis is very important planning technique. This is because it specifies the contents of the work as well as the outcomes of the project. Scope analysis helps put in mind the amount of resources required and the level and amount of activities required completing a project. A comprehensive scope analysis takes into account several steps to be put to mind to make sure that the success is guaranteed. At this stage, a conceptual development is put into account to make sure that the best methods of achieving the goals of the project are the ones that are primarily used. Scope analysis also has a scope statement which seeks to put a limit to the development level of the project that is required. With consideration of six important steps, with each step serving a specific purpose, the benefits of scope analysis